Enjoy your pool to the fullest with Fizer Pools' expert opening and closing services. Our skilled technicians handle all aspects of pool preparation, ensuring your pool is ready for swimming or winter protection. From removing winter covers and debris to winterizing equipment and balancing chemicals, we provide comprehensive care for your pool. Trust Fizer Pools to handle your seasonal pool needs efficiently and effectively.
Removal of winter cover
(new style safety cover only)
Installation of all accessories
(handrails, step ladders, slides, etc)
Installation of plugs for filter, pump and chlorinator
Start-up of system, algaecide and shock treatment
Installation of new style safety cover*
Removal of all accessories
(handrails, step ladders, slides, etc.)
Winter chemical package: antifreeze, shock, and algaecide
Drain heater and remove pressure switch (if applicable)
Remove plugs on pump and filter
Pool opening and pool closing services are scheduled on a “first come, first serve” basis.